Happy WA Day! Just a short post today as I’m just having one last breakfast at my favourite Fremantle cafe before heading back to the hostel to finish packing and get on the road. Yes, that’s right, we’re finally setting off on our West Coast adventure after weeks of organising and waiting. It seems only right that we should set out on this amazing trip on the day that is all about celebrating what is great about Western Australia. I’m excited for that feeling of freedom that you only get from living on the road, camping out under the stars every night and spending your days on the beaches.

I can’t wait to not have a care in the world, after working so much for so long, I’m more than overdue for a holiday! You may laugh but I work a heck of a lot when I travel, if I’m not working crazy hours in a bar to save money, I’m working to tight deadlines for articles and posts as a journalist/blogger. It never stops, this feeling that I should be working, and yes I’ve admitted before I’m a bit of a workaholic but I also know when I need a good break from it all. So I’m taking the next few weeks for me – I’m focusing on having fun, exploring the world and having lots of adventures to tell you all about in my upcoming blog posts.

I’ll still have a few blogs posts to come that I’ve had time to organise before now, but I’m not going to think too much about pressuring myself to write when on the road. The thing about travel is that you have to live it, to throw yourself into every moment, experience and exciting opportunity that presents itself. I plan to do exactly that because travel comes first. Keep up with my adventures via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
