Fashion & Beauty

I may have spent a decade living out of a backpack but that doesn’t mean I can’t be stylish. Clothes and skincare are passions of mine and no matter where I’ve travelled, I’ve always found ways to incorporate these into my travels. From shopping at the markets, to finding budget-friendly ways to indulge. I’ve become a master at packing so that I can maximise my wardrobe even when I have very little baggage allowance. Here I share my favourite sustainable brands, the best festival fashion and the skincare products you need.

My Favourites

My Favourites

Sustainable Fashion

I love to support businesses that are ethical and sustainable in their production. While I’m not an expert, I do my best to shop around and discover brands that make the right choices. That includes shopping local and choosing to avoid brands who have a larger carbon footprint.

Sustainable Fashion

Festival Fashion

Festival fashion is a real passion of mine and I love nothing more than wearing as many colours as possible and dousing myself in glitter. I love the creativity that comes out at festivals and will always find ways to jazz up my outfits to feel extra special. Here’s my fave festival fashion brands:

Festivals & Gigs

Festivals are one of my favourite things in life – I love everything from festival fashion, to the music, to the people I meet at these amazing events. I’ve been lucky enough to go to a lot of festivals, work with festival companies and even speak at vanlife festivals. So, I’d say I’m a festival expert!
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Festival Fashion

Traveller Style

Packing can be challenging when you’re travelling the world where you’re limited on space. Here’s the lessons I’ve learned when packing for long-term trips and what items I’ve loved along the way:
Plan Your Gap Year Experience
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Travel & Money Tips

I’ve spent nearly a decade solo travelling the world and I’ve learnt a lot of lessons along the way. Here you’ll find my guides for saving money for travel and how to backpack on a budget. Advice on how to prepare for travel, what you need to know before you go and tips to help you when you’re there. Plus, tips for how to travel more sustainably, take amazing travel photos and even study online or work while you travel.
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Traveller Style

Skincare & Beauty

Hydration is key when you travel to warm climates and it’s so important to wear sunscreen and protect your skin. Here’s some of the products I love and the ways I incorporate natural skincare and remedies into my daily routine:

Travel Resources

Ever wondered how I manage to snag SUCH great travel deals and save so much on accommodation, airfare and travel? my Travel Resources will give you access to all my favourite booking websites and all the best places to get travel essentials on a budget. My goal is to help you save money so you can spend more on your adventures once you arrive.
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Skincare & Beauty

50+ Easy Ways To Save Up To £10k For Travel
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The Solo Female Travel Handbook
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My Fashion & Beauty blog posts

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