Florida is a popular tourist destination, offering beautiful beaches, exciting theme parks, and plenty of outdoor activities, which is why it saw 122.89 million visitors in 2023. However, with so much fun in the sun comes the risk of injury if proper precautions aren’t taken.

6 most common injuries for tourists in Florida & how to avoid them:

Car Accidents

Florida saw 394,230 car crashes in 2023, resulting in 3,411 deaths and 251,833 injuries. Contributing factors include the state’s large population, millions of annual tourists, congested urban areas, and long stretches of interstates. Common causes of Florida car accidents include distracted driving, drunk driving, reckless driving, red light running, and speeding. Florida’s sunny weather can also play a role, with wet roads after rain and glare from the bright sun impairing drivers.

To help reduce car crashes, Florida has implemented tougher distracted driving laws, rigorous driver education requirements, and speed limit enforcement.  — defensive driving and focusing fully on the road can help prevent many accidents.

Sprains and Falls

Theme parks, water parks, and other attractions with rides, climbing structures, and simulated environments can lead to sprains and falls. Sagi Shaked, a personal injury lawyer in Miami and owner of Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers suggests following the next tips to avoid injuries:

  • Follow all posted guidelines and warnings for rides/attractions.
  • Wear proper footwear with good traction and support.
  • Take care when walking on wet or uneven surfaces.
  • Don’t underestimate thrill rides that require good core strength to avoid strains.

Jellyfish Stings

Jellyfish are common along Florida’s coastline and their stings can be quite painful. In 2018, nearly 600 people were stung by jellyfish in one weekend! The stinging cells on jellyfish tentacles release toxins when they come in contact with human skin. To prevent jellyfish stings:

  • Wear a rash guard or wetsuit when swimming in the ocean.
  • Avoid areas with jellyfish warning signs posted.
  • Don’t touch jellyfish that wash up on shore.
  • If stung, remove tentacles stuck to the skin and rinse with saltwater. Apply vinegar to deactivate the toxins.


Florida is known for its sunny weather and beaches, which also means a high risk of sunburn if your skin isn’t protected properly. The sun’s UV rays can lead to a painful red burn within just 15 minutes of unprotected exposure. To prevent sunburn in Florida:

  • Wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply often, especially after swimming.
  • Seek shade under an umbrella at the beach and wear protective clothing like hats and rash guards.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure during peak UV hours between 10 am and 4 pm.

Heat Exhaustion

Florida’s heat and humidity put tourists at risk of heat cramps, exhaustion, and heat stroke. Prevent this by:

  • Drinking plenty of water and electrolyte sports drinks.
  • Taking breaks in the shade or AC midday when the sun is strongest.
  • Wearing light, breathable clothing.
  • Avoiding prolonged outdoor activities during heat advisories.

Alligator Attacks

There are 1.3 million wild alligators in Florida, and around eight people are attacked by alligators each year in Florida. Males accounted for 81% of attack victims between 1948 and 2004.

By packing proper supplies, taking preventive measures, and using common sense, tourists can more safely enjoy all the fun Florida has to offer and avoid these common pitfalls. Paying attention to travel advisories and warnings can also help avoid injury. With some smart planning, Florida can provide an injury-free sunny getaway.