
It feels like Iceland will forever stay on my must-see list. I’ve spent so long in the wrong hemisphere and I’m always planning trips to far-fetched places, but that often means sacrificing the real gems that lie right under my nose. I’m always that girl who can’t resist a tropical island or exploring the jungle in some exciting new land, so it’s hard to schedule in time for a snowy break but I won’t be happy until I have. These last few years, it seems like everyone I know have been off gallivanting around the Blue Lagoon, posting lust-worthy pics of them playing in the snow or eyeing up the Northern Lights – it’s the stuff dreams are made of.

Being back in the UK and experiencing my first European winter in more than three years, I’m embracing it with wide-open arms and I’m loving every second. While the cold was a shock to the system, I’m loving the Christmas decorations, the frosty mornings, the festive spirit, the winter coats and snuggly jumpers. It’s really making me realise what I have been missing these last few years of chasing the sun and perhaps I’m ready for something new now. I’m excited to explore a whole new hemisphere and to find the magic in places that I haven’t yet had the pleasure of experiencing.

Whenever Iceland is mentioned, the mind instantly conjures up images of dramatic volcanic landscapes draped in snow and crisp with frost, it’s a magical image. A land both within reach and yet completely separate to everything I have previously experienced, but while we always hear about the same few attractions of Iceland, I feel that there is so much more waiting to be discovered. There is still a wholly unique Icelandic experience waiting for each visitor to capture the charm and the beauty of the country when their visit. Planning a visit to Iceland? I’ve done a bit of research to find the most unique ways to explore the country.15 unique ways to discover the magic of Iceland | Europe

15 unique ways to discover the magic of Iceland:

Visit the Blue Lagoon

All of Iceland’s electricity comes from hydroelectric or geothermal power, and if that doesn’t inspire you enough, the famous Blue Lagoon is a wonderful side effect of this power. Lava fields alongside a geothermal plant were accidentally turned into a spa rich in minerals, sulphur, salt and silica back in the 70’s and now it is one of the country’s most popular attractions. Need some time to relax on your trip and escape the cold, why not take a dip in the blue waters and lose yourself in the swirling mist?

Go dog sledding

Imagine yourself racing through the snowy landscape on board your own sleigh pulled by those gorgeous, energetic huskies. It’s the ultimate arctic experience and one you won’t want to miss, if you’re a dog lover then this is the trip for you!

Visit ice caves

Something you can only do during winter when the caves are truly frozen, you can now explore ice tunnels over 200m long under Iceland’s second largest glacier, Langjökull. Bathed in the ethereal blue light, you can even get married in a special ice chapel under the ice.

Explore the inside of a volcano

The land of fire and ice is punctuated with incredibly unique volcanic experiences where you can explore these amazing geological formations.15 unique ways to discover the magic of Iceland | Europe

Make the most of the midnight sun

During the summer, it never gets completely dark in Iceland, while the evenings are cooler they remain bathed in a stunning mix of sunrise and sunset. Make the most of it and get outside – go take part in activities or go for a hike. Or if you fancy a really unique experience, why not go to the Secret Solstice Festival? Taking place on June 21-24 in Reykjavik, it is the festival of the midnight sun and gives you a perfect opportunity to party all day and all night long.

Go to Elf School

Just outside Reykjavik, it’s possible to learn even more about the mystical folktales that surround Iceland by attending a real-life Elf School.

Go on a snowmobile tour

Fancy a bit more action? Race across the ice on a snowmobile for an experience that will take your breath away.

View this incredible landscape from the air

Why not take a helicopter ride over Iceland and gain a new perspective on the landscape – from volcanoes and geysers to endless fields of snow and ice?15 unique ways to discover the magic of Iceland | Europe

Explore caves with hidden lakes and waterfalls

For the explorers among us, there are endless caves waiting to be explored including Grjótagjá, a volcanic cave lake that looks magical. Or experience the incredible Gljúfrafoss, a waterfall hidden in a cave that can be found in  cracked cliff.

Hike glaciers or go snowshoeing

There’s nothing quite like getting out and experiencing nature in all it’s glory, so why not take the chance to explore by going on glacier walks? With climate change gradually melting the polar ice, the glaciers are also being slowly diminished so one day soon it could be a really unique experience to look back on.

Watch the Northern Lights from your own private igloo

My absolute dream is to watch the Northern Lights – I was so disappointed to not see the Southern Lights while down in Tasmania, Australia. But what would really take this experience to another level would be to watch the lights from one of these adorable bubble rooms at what is known as the 5 million star hotel – what a magical experience! Fancy being out in the open air? Why not watch from your own private hot tub?

Visit some incredibly unique museums

You can view an encyclopaedic collection of mammal penises at the Icelandic Phallological Museum, while The Icelandic Sea Monster Museum explores the area’s history of aquatic cryptid sightings.15 unique ways to discover the magic of Iceland | Europe

Go diving between two continents

At Þingvellir National Park you can find Iceland’s largest lake, Þingvallavatn which is the only place on the entire planet where you can see two tectonic plates, the American and the Euro-Asian plate, gradually breaking apart year by year. It is the only place where the split is so dramatic, and if you’re feeling brave, you can even dive or snorkel between the two plates in Silfra – a gorge filled with crystal clear water.

Haukadalur Geothermal Field

Visit this valley of hot springs and boiling mud pots to find the world record-holding “Geyser.”

Eat putrified shark

An Icelandic specialty, Hákarl originates from the days when food needed to be purified during the long winters. With a taste likened to blue cheese but 1000x stronger in taste and smell, it was originally processed from Greenlandic Shark, then buried under rocks for six months before being hung to dry for another three months. Another local delicacy is sheep’s head.

When I finally get to Iceland, I don’t know how I’ll squeeze everything in – there’s just so many incredible experiences waiting to be had. If you’re planning a trip this winter, I hope this list helps you to make your trip as unique and unforgettable as possible.

15 unique ways to discover the magic of Iceland | Europe

All images supplied.

nl-spitsbergenWe’ve all got those places on our bucket list, the ones that fire up our imagination and lose us in daydreams when we’re at work. Mine is already never-ending, but there will always be certain places on there that stand out as ones that would be totally unforgettable. I’ve written about my top choices many times but this time it is more poignant than ever – by the time you read this I will be down in Tasmania. Going from Bali to Cairns, then down to Tasmania is around a 30 degree drop in temperature and don’t get me started on the humidity. It’s going to be a brutal shock to the system – so why am I doing it? Because it is exactly now that the Southern Lights are in full force with some of the strongest bursts seen in a long time. I only discovered that the Southern Lights were actually a real thing round a year ago and vowed I simply had to see them with my own eyes. You’ll already know how desperate I am to visit Iceland and see the Northern Lights, but spending so much time in the Southern Hemisphere due to my travels I’m a bit restricted on opportunities. So I thought I’ll put Iceland on hold, but the Southern Lights are an absolute must-see while I’m down here – that way when I finally get to Iceland I’ll be able to say I’ve seen both!

Now I hate repeating myself and always want to bring you guys fresh new posts – so this time I’ve worked with Best Served Scandinavia to help you plan your trip to see the Northern Lights. There are so many different ways to experience them that it’s important to find the perfect trip just for you.nl-tromso

Where to see them?

When you talk about the Northern Lights, everyone’s mind jumps straight to Iceland but it’s not the only place you can see this natural phenomenon. Heading up towards the Arctic Circle, you can also glimpse the famous green glow in the skies over Norway, Sweden, Finland or Greenland. You can even see them in Canada and Russia! Each of these places will die you that same opportunity to see the Lights but to perhaps get a little off the beaten tourist track and will give you the opportunity to visit somewhere a bit different. The best time to spot the Northern Lights at their brightest is between September and March as the darker and longer nights make them clearer to the naked eye.nl-thingvellir-national-park

Where to stay?

Once you’ve narrowed down a place, it’s important to make sure you book a place to stay as early as possible. As you can imagine, resorts get booked up pretty quickly and if you want to score a night in one of the luxurious lodges with hot tubs and a glass roof to watch the lights from your bed, you better lock in the dates quick. I know when I eventually get to go, I would want to go all out and experience all the amazing luxuries that come with the Northern Lights trip. I’ve spent a lot of time daydreaming about staying in an igloo with a glass roof at so I can watch the Lights from my bed, or a snow hotel, or a safari camp like this one, or even a treehouse! There are so many incredible options available and you could even combine different ones to really give yourself some once in a lifetime experiences.nl-lapland

What kind of trip are you after?

It’s also important when planning to decide what kind of trip you’re after. Are you taking your partner for a weekend of romance under the Norther Lights, or are you in the mood for a luxury spa experience, or are you a bit of an adventure seeker like me? There are so many other amazing activities you can try out around light spotting, it’s a good opportunity to fill your days with amazing memories as well as your nights. Depending on which country you choose there are options like dog sledding, horseback riding, visiting the Blue Lagoon, visiting volcanoes and waterfalls, sightseeing palaces and cathedrals, cruises and much more. It’s worth bearing that in mind when you choose the country you want to visit.nl-horizontalOnce you’ve made all the big decisions, it’s time to jet off and just enjoy your trip. Pack some warm layers and a good camera to capture the magic of every last moment – this will be a holiday to remember for years to come. If you need any help organising your trip to see the Northern Lights, look no further than Best Served Scandinavia to answer all of your questions and help you plan the perfect trip.

Have you been to see the Northern Lights, or the Southern Lights? How was your experience – can you give any tips for a first-timer?


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