
It’s not secret that I love a glass of wine and throughout my travels have loved experiencing tastings across Europe and Australia. When I’m not traveling, I find wine and food are amazing catalysts for bringing those traveling memories flooding back. While the lighter white and rosé wines instantly transport me back to sunny days on the Greek islands. The more full bodied reds and ports will always remind me of Western Australia when I took a wine pairing tour over there. And let’s not forget the amazing wine tasting from when I visited Liechtenstein with vineyards overlooked by the castle on the mountainside. So, when I was given the opportunity to work with fine wine company, Millésima, I couldn’t wait to share this company with you.

Wine company

Explore wine pairing with Millésima

Based in Bordeaux, the company offers a range of wines from the best properties in the Rhone, Burgundy, Alsace, and other leading French regions, as well as top producers from Italy. With more than 2.5 million bottles of fine wine slowly ageing in the company’s cellars, their comprehensive list includes Crus Classés wines from all Bordeaux vintages of the last 15 years. Boasting more than 150,000 private clients, the company helps their customers to easily source the Chateau and the vintage that they are seeking. Not only do they provide this service online, but they also welcome visitors to the area and to explore wine pairing within their two hundred year old cellars.

Working in the region since 1983, the company was founded by Patrick Bernard, whose expertise and reliability has led the company to become Europe’s leading fine wine mail-order merchant. Patrick Bernard’s aim then, as now, was to bring some of the world’s greatest wines direct to wine lovers from the Châteaux. Over the past 15 years, Millésima have made over 300,000 deliveries to more than 65,000 wine enthusiasts of top wines from France, Europe and the rest of the world. Whether you’re a regular visitor to the area, or just love the local wines, Millésima could provide you with the perfect trip down memory lane. And even better, you don’t have to move from your home, so even when you can’t escape for a trip to the south of France, you can still indulge in the finest wines from the region.

Wiine pairing

Five ways to incorporate wine into your travel

If you’re a wine-lover like me, there are so many ways to bring the finest grapes into your travels. Most importantly, there is a way to bring wine into your travels no matter what your budget – it doesn’t always have to be expensive. Wine is a fantastic way to connect with the local area, from visiting vineyards and seeing where they make the wine, to tasting the local flavours and wine pairing with amazing local dishes. Wine awakens the senses and perfectly complements the travel experience.

Dine out and drink with the locals

This is such an important one, don’t just go to the usual tourist traps when you travel. Instead head off the beaten track, speak to the locals and go to their favourite bars. Avoid the international drinks and instead plump for a local beer or wine. Dining out is a great way to do this, always ask the waiter for a wine pairing recommendation!

Visit a vineyard

This is such a lovely day out and can suit all budgets – from the super expensive wine tours to the £5 free tastings! I’ve visited vineyards all over Australia and Europe and loved the experience. Vineyards are always such beautiful locations and often they offer a cheaper tasting where you get to try several wines and can take your time exploring.

Exploring wine

Do a free wine tasting

If you visit a brewery or a vineyard, most offer wine tastings, but even better, if you get a good-sized group together you can often get a free wine tasting or a good discount. I’ve had free wine pairing sessions and tastings all over the world, from food festivals and fine wine shops, to local bars and vineyards. Always do your research and just ask to try!

Join a tasting trail

Australia offered a lot of food and wine tasting trails which proved the perfect day out. You would pick up a map and then make your way along, stopping off at various farms, vineyards, factories and all sorts of places with amazing delicacies to try. From wines, beers and ciders, to cheese, cake, fruit and much more.

Pick up a bottle to take home

It’s always nice to take a bottle home to remember the place you visited, whether you pick one up as a gift or for yourself. Either pick one up from the local shops, or, if you get home and regret not buying one, why not source one online using Millésima to bring some holiday flavour back home? I tried out ordering a bottle from Millésima and I was so impressed with the service. Not only do they deliver the wine straight to your door, but they’re on hand to answer any questions and offer advice on which bottle is the right one for you. It’s such an easy way to make home feel just like a holiday.

Do you like to try new wines when you travel? What have been your best wine experiences when traveling?

Absolutely Lucy sign off

*This was a sponsored post but as usual all views are my own.

It can be so difficult to get the right information about applying for French visas, so this guide is for my US readers who are planning their next escape. With all of this Brexit nonsense looming over us UK travelers, I can’t help but feel intense gratitude for having been born with a UK passport and having been able to spend my life traveling visa-free within Europe. We really do take the ease of our travel between France and Amsterdam, or Italy and Greece for granted whether we’re backpacking or enjoying a summer holiday.

Now I don’t know whether Brexit will affect travel within Europe, but as someone who has just moved to Germany, it’s definitely opened my eyes to the struggles my US friends go through in order to travel the world. How much time must been spent applying for visas and stressing over their arrival for each trip. So when I heard about Favisbook, I thought it was about time I wrote a post aimed at my US readers who want to expand their horizons and apply for French visas. This post is a collaboration with Favisbook but as usual, all views are my own.

Who are Favisbook?

Favisbook was set up by travelers after they were forced to wait months to pick up the necessary French visas and travel documents needed to travel to France. Facing the struggle together, the team decided to create a way for travelers to get the documents they needed faster, so that you guys won’t face the same problems. Now you can skip the line and get into the embassy as early as possible to apply for your French visa.

Planning a trip to France, or always dreamed of seeing the Eiffel Tower all lit up at night? Then this is the post for you, because trust me, nothing compares to your first time in Paris. Now thanks to Favisbook, residents of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to book early French visa appointments with the Consulate General of France in New York, instead of waiting months for an appointment. Simply choose your day, fill in your information, and Favisbook will expedite your visa appointment to French Consulate with a simple click.

How does it work?

One of the most popular destinations in the world, many visitors to France have to obtain  a Schengen Visa before entry. Booking an interview to get a Schengen visa is a time-consuming process for many applicants due to the complicated French consulate’s website which often doesn’t have available appointments and applicants are required to wait for months on end just for an appointment to become available. Now thanks to the system Favisbook have set up, you can book appointments for all kinds of visas, from the working visas, long and short-stay visas and even Schengen visas.

Favisbook simplifies the whole procedure by just showing available appointments and making it much easier to apply for the French visa slots. Using their system, appointments for multiple people can be booked and you don’t even need to create an account with Favisbook, all information remains safe and confidential using their secure network. Within 24 hours of submitting the booking and payment, you will receive your appointment details by email, and your appointment could be as soon as the next day. After booking your French visa appointment with Favisbook, your next step is to prepare for your interview with the consulate.

If the appointments available don’t suit your schedule, you can even contact Favisbook by emailing info@favisbook.com with your availability and they will do their best to find you an appointment that will be suitable. Find out more about Favisbook online here.

We all know I’m an advocate for anything that makes life, and travel, a lot easier and this sounds like a great way to actually add in a middle man but to make your travel planning run a lot smoother. If it leaves me more time for trying on bikinis and planning all the amazing food I’m going to eat on a trip, then it’s got my vote!

Have you struggled with applications for French visas? What’s been the hardest visa application you’ve had to put in? Would you find a service like this helpful?

US Travellers: Applying for French visas

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