
img_2080As I travel further and further around the globe, I meet so many inspiring people along the way. People who have defied the odds, who have left behind whole lives, careers and even loved ones behind to pursue their love to travelling. I’ve met some amazing men and women who have put their fears aside and who have broken free of the norm in order to keep exploring the world around them. Some of them fighting fears that have previously left them shaken and restricted, instead channeling their worries into finding a solution to living their travelling dreams. One of my very good friends has become a total inspiration to me after she refused to let an almost crippling fear of flying stand in the way of her travelling the world. Instead of letting it hold her back and squash her dreams she has used her fear to become more creative in the ways she travels. Now, years later, she has explored around 30-40 countries by making her way over land and sea to places like China and Russia, even braving the flight to Australia! By facing her fears she has achieved so much and that is endlessly inspiring, she may still be afraid of flying but she has shown herself, and others, that she won’t let it stand in her way.

When you think of exploring the world around us, many jump straight to the thought of long-haul flights and gap years, but there are so many different options available to us. No matter what kind of traveller you might be, there is always a travelling style to suit you. It might mean inter-railing around Europe, sailing around the Caribbean or motorbiking around Vietnam, but there are countless ways of getting out there and exploring the world around us. While I do love flying, it isn’t always the most cost effective way to travel and I’ve found myself keenly using buses, trains and cars to get around. Here are some of my favourite ways to travel without flying:img_2376

Top ways to travel without flying

Cruise the coastline

As I experienced in Greece and more recently, in Bali, it can offer you a whole other experience to travel by boat. Whether a cruise liner or a smaller boat trip, you get a totally different perspective on the landscape and, in turn, the country. I haven’t yet had the experience of a full cruise liner but I have enjoyed boat trips of several days in the Whitsundays during my time in Australia, in Bali and Vietnam, and in Greece. It was a great way to travel and gave us plenty of opportunity to spot some incredible wildlife in its natural habitat while spending our days snorkelling, diving and paddle boarding. Cruises come in all shapes and sizes – from the shorter few day-long trips to those of several weeks that span rivers, oceans and more.

And If you fancy exploring other countries, there is a whole new selection of cruises departing from the UK heading to places like Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, Greece and Gibraltar.img_2375

Hit the road

Road trips are a fantastic way to see the countryside and get off the beaten track. You have total freedom over the route, the stops and, most importantly, the snacks! Road trips around Tasmania and Bulgaria have been some of my favourite trips in the last few years and I’ve loved the chance to explore the wilderness at my own pace. Plus it gave us great options to stop off and camp along the way – I’m planning to do the same when I travel the West Coast of Australia next year. Check out my guide to the perfect Aussie road trip on a budget here.

Train for your trip

The train is a method I’ve used less so far but having friends who have raved about their experiences inter railing around Europe, Russia, India and Sri Lanka, I know it’s something I’ll be trying out a lot more in future. It gives you the best of both worlds – no chance to get sea-sick, no stress of driving on unfamiliar roads – instead you can just sit back and relax with a good book as the countryside slips by the windows. If you’re travelling on a strict time schedule, overnight sleeper trains can be a life-saver by allowing you to catch some precious zzz’s as you move between one destination and the next as I found in Vietnam.img_2379

Bus it up

Overnight buses are either great or really bad in my experience – some are spacious and comfortable with good drivers and snacks. Others are cramped and traumatic from start to finish, but I can’t deny they are a great way to get from one place to the next – I lived on them in Asia and Australia and they were often the best, if not the only, way to get between places.

Don’t let a fear stand in the way of what could be the best time of your life – whether it’s a holiday or long-term trip you’re planning. The only way to beat a fear, is to face it head on. You never know, you could have the time of your life!

Have you faced a fear to travel? Tell me about your experiences with dealing with fears when on the road.


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