
Winter is right around the corner and for anyone in need to an escape from reality, it’s the ideal time to plan a getaway. When the days and evenings are so dark, it’s easy to get stuck in a slump, which is why it’s important to take yourself away from the same mundane routine and shake it up with a fun-filled staycation every once in a while.

Whether you head there by train or taken out insurance for the day so you can venture further afield, you can expect lots of replenishing adventures ahead of you. Without further ado, here are three suggestions for your next winter escape.


The famous Viking city is a sight to behold in the wintertime. From the towering York Minster to the flowing River Ouse and winding historic streets, it can feel like a true escape. The Shambles is the city’s most famous street – walk along the cobbles and you’ll find everything from tea shops to vintage stores and even the famous The Shop That Must Not Be Named, selling Harry Potter merch. 

If you want to warm up with tea and cake, head into Betty’s Tearoom. Established in 1919, this tearoom has a rich history of delicious baked goods and afternoon teas. Finally, let your food go down with a wander around the historic city walls – just make sure you wrap up warm!


The Scottish capital has plenty to offer at this time of year, with comfortable pubs and eateries aplenty to keep you toasty. The city itself is home to Edinburgh Castle, which looks extra mighty against a harsh wintery sky, especially against the winding streets, which feel as though you’re walking through a bygone era. Keep an eye out for any outdoor markets while you wonder around. 

If you happen to be in the city for Burns Night on the 25th January, you can indulge in poetry and whisky, plus plenty of haggis, neeps and tatties. There’s nothing like a Burns Night jig to warm you up!


Bath is an iconic winter destination. In its maze of historic streets, you’ll find plenty of quirky independents, from gift shops to cosy drinking dens. They offer a much welcome escape from the winter chill, but once you’ve wrapped up and you’re ready to face the elements, there’s lots of exploring to be done. 

You can go ice skating near Royal Victoria Park and visit the famous Roman baths. If you’re inspired to seek out some R&R yourself, head over to Thermae Bath Spa. Here, you can warm yourself to the core in naturally warm, mineral-rich waters.

Do you have any winter staycation suggestions you’d like to add to the list? Leave your comments down below!

It’s that time of the year where many of us have already planned staycation. Christmas holidays brings many exciting things along with it like lots of shopping, setting off on long trips, meeting with loved ones and many more. Hence, it’s a busy driving season for a lot of people. Drivers should make sure that their vehicle is in good condition and tyres are fitted properly before setting off on long journey.  Here in this article, quick guide is explained to make your car’s tyres ready for Christmas.

Through checkup of Tyres 

Christmas brings a lot of gifts with it. If you are driving a heavily laden vehicle, then there will be a lot of stress on your tyres. Make sure to give a thorough check to your tyres before setting off on your journey. Keep an eye on tears, bubbles, cuts, and bulges in the sidewall. These can reduce the damage to the sidewall and helps to keep your journey hassle-free.

Check Tyre Pressure of your tyres 

It’s a vital thing to check your tyres pressure regularly. This key activity not only prolongs the life of tyres it also makes sure that you and your family are safe on road. Especially in winter, tyre inflation requires major attention due to strict weather conditions. It could cause a fatal accident if tyres are under-inflated and traveling at high speed at that time. So try to keep your tyres at optimal inflation level, and thoroughly check your tyre pressure before going on the long drive.

Check Tyre Tread 

It is as important to check tyre tread as tyre pressure of the vehicle. We think that it’s only breaks that make car to stop when necessary, but no, it is the grip of tyres. Tyres tread is the only part of a vehicle that makes contact with the road. Therefore it is necessary to keep them in good condition and according to the legal requirement. The legal limit is 1.6mm in the UK. 

To measure it, you can use the tread depth indicator. But, if you do not have this equipment available then simply grab a 20p coin and insert it in the tread grove. If the outer edge of the coin is visible, then it’s time for a tyre replacement. 

If you are planning to buy new pair of tyres, this season then check out Dartford Tyres and book new tyres online at the best prices with free professional fitting.  

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