
Mindfulness is the buzz word of the moment. But the more I talk to people, the more I realise that there are so many who don’t have a handle on what it’s all really about. What may have once had a reputation as hippy-dippy nonsense is actually a remarkably simple way to live your life in order to maximise your happiness levels and ease your suffering. It’s basically what we’re all seeking – deep down – a way to find joy in everyday life instead of always waiting for that elusive day that never comes.

Do you often feel stressed, anxious or like your life is out of control? Ever felt like you were sleepwalking through your life, or waiting for it to start? Then living a more mindful life could be exact what you need to take back the reins of your life and to start afresh. The sad truth is that many of us are only ever 10% present in our own lives. The rest of the time we spend overthinking the past and worrying about the future. How can we ever enjoy and live a moment fully when we’re always obsessing over the myriad of ways things could, or have, gone wrong?

Why I’ve decided to share this post now

This was actually a post I originally wrote around six years ago. Mindfulness is a topic I’ve always been interested in and I love to share wellbeing techniques that have helped me. Over the last few years, I’ve devoted a lot of time to reading and learning on the topic. I’ve actually just finished a 10-week online course on The Science of Wellbeing with Yale University, so it seemed a perfect time to share all the things I’ve learned over the years and how they’ve worked for me. Particularly in the last two years, I’ve found that mindfulness and meditation have really helped me to overcome some of the worst times of my life.

Now that we’re locked down because of Coronavirus, it seems a perfect time to really turn our attentions inwards and focus on what our bodies and minds really need. What’s that saying – “when we can’t go out, let’s turn inward.” So whether you’re already practicing mindfulness and want to develop your skills further, or you’ve never heard of it before. My beginner’s guide to mindfulness is just what you need to get started and take the first steps towards the life you want to be living.

Girl in poppy field, white dress, denim jacket

Living with purpose – What is mindfulness?

If your goal is to live a more mindful life, it means incorporating small changes that will, over time, lead to a happier life, and a happier you. It’s a choice to being more intentional in our decisions, reactions and choices so that we are living with purpose instead of aimlessly drifting through life. It can be uncomfortable at first – after all, we are breaking up with the way we have been told to live our lives for centuries. We live in a capitalist society that is designed to pray on our insecurities in order to monetise them. But unfortunately that means we are constantly reaching for something just beyond our grasp and often, it’s things like money, or materialist goods which don’t actually make us happy.

Mindfulness is reaching a level of self-awareness with these thought processes and toxic behaviours. It’s using techniques to rise above them and to reach a level of contentment within yourself. The closer you get, the more you can squash negative thought patterns such as worry, anxiety and stress. Instead of being reactive and overly emotional in our responses to situations, it gives us the ability to step back and breathe. It means taking back control of your mind, your thoughts and your life.

Why make meditation and mindfulness part of your daily routine?

I could speak for hours on this topic, but instead, I’ll keep it short and sweet. Here are my top 5 reasons why you should make mindfulness and meditation part of your daily routine:

  1. They make you happier and more contented.
  2. They help reduce anxiety, worry and stress
  3. Improved mental health and physical health
  4. Living a healthier lifestyle and sleeping better
  5. Gives you back control of your live and thoughts

girl in poppy field, norfolk, customised denim jacket with elephant, poppy field, meditation and mindfulness

15 easy ways to live a more mindful life

Remind yourself to be in the present moment

This is the core teaching of mindfulness – always return to the present moment because there is nothing else. It sounds big and dramatic at first. But what it really means is there is no point worrying about the future or obsessing over the past. I know so many of us are guilty of doing this – myself included! But that’s okay, we’re only human! The trick is, you need to be aware of when you are doing it and the goal is to recognise this behaviour and to bring yourself back to the present moment.

This is actually the goal of meditation – to always clear your mind and return to the present. It’s something that is a work in progress for everyone but the more aware you become, the easier it is. Start simply by allowing your thoughts to wander, then noting what you are doing, kindly guide yourself back to the present. It’s a great exercise for those prone to overthinking – to recognise when you are doing this and gently guide yourself away from this behaviour.

Clear your mind and breathe

Leading on from the previous point – a great way to keep yourself in the present moment is to focus on your breath. Meditation is basically a practice of mindfulness, to focus on the breath as the only thing you have control over. Therefore it is the only thing to focus on – empty your mind of all other thoughts and you are in the present moment. Pure as it is, this goal doesn’t last long for most of us, especially those just beginning. Meditation can be one of the most frustrating things in the world. But when you get it just right, wow it can be one of the most transforming experiences.

If you’re new to meditation and don’t know where to start, why not try a guided meditation? There are loads available via apps like Headspace and Calm, or search for them on Spotify podcasts. If you’re not sure if it’s for you – why not try going to a class? Sometimes it can really help at first to have the community feel and someone to guide you. Just remember – you don’t have to be perfect at it, you don’t have to become a guru overnight. You don’t even need to do it for any length of time – just 10 minutes a day can make a big difference.

Really and truly listen, with no distractions

I read somewhere that we’re only ever 10% actually present with our lives and the people in them. How incredibly sad is that? All those people that we love so much and we only ever give them such a tiny part of ourselves. Remember, what you put into a relationship is also what you get out of it, so think about what we could be missing out on. Listening is one of the greatest skills you can have. It can transform our relationships and connections with those around us, if only we let it.

The truth is, most of the time when we think we’re listening, we’re actually just planning what we’re going to say next. We take in various pieces of information and put them together like a jigsaw to make up our version of what the person has said. But we could all do with putting our phones down and really listening to what our friends and family are saying.

girl in poppy field, norfolk, customised denim jacket with elephant, poppy field, meditation and mindfulness

Slow things down – stop rushing

This is something that I know I have been guilty of in the past, always rushing from one thing to another, always busy. We live in a culture where it’s cool to be seen as busy all the time – it’s our currency for how we value our success. But what if we all just stopped. If we just took a moment to breathe and take it all in? If you feel like you never have enough time in a day, or that you never feel satisfied no matter how much you accomplish. Perhaps you are focusing on the wrong things.

In fact, you’re focusing on doing all the things instead of picking carefully what you put your energy into. It all comes down to choosing achievable goals, setting boundaries and not being afraid to pause and ask yourself, whether something is bringing joy or peace into your life. If the answer is no, you need to question whether it has any value in your life anymore. But the only way to know, is to slow down and stop rushing.

Connect with your thoughts and feelings

Ask yourself – how am I? Take the time to check in with yourself and how you are feeling. We don’t do this enough. It’s easy for life to get in the way and things to get busy. But we’re always asking others how they are doing – what could be more important than checking in with yourself? This is especially important when it comes to healing and growing as a person. If you don’t take the time to address your own problems and feelings, to identify why you are feeling this way. If you don’t take the time to do the necessary work needed to grow as an individual – you can’t ever hope to be truly happy. Not doing the work is living in denial and it means you’re likely to keep repeating the same toxic behavioural patterns.

Take in your surroundings

A big part of mindfulness is taking in your surroundings, engaging your senses and really being present in a moment. A great way to do this is to take a walk and leave your phone behind. Instead of distracting yourself with a podcast or audiobook, listen to the birds sing and the wind in the trees. Smell the summer barbecues wafting on the breeze, watch the light pooling through the trees.

Why not start by taking a walk on your lunch break each day? 15-20 minutes of sunlight daily can have a huge affect on your mood. Don’t let yourself give in to distractions of modern technology or other people, leave your phone in the office. Sometimes you just need time alone to be in nature – that’s why nature is the world’s best healer. I know I always feel a million times better after a visit to the ocean or a walk in the forest. If you’re someone who struggles with feeling anxious or stressed – this could make a world of difference.

Girl in poppy field, white dress, denim jacket

Practice gratitude daily

This one is simple but can be a game-changer for changing your mindset and helping you become more positive. If your negative emotions and worries often take over your brain. Implementing this daily can have a huge impact on your mental health. Each morning when you wake up, or each evening before you go to sleep, list 3 things you are grateful for that day. They can be small things like the sun shining, or someone holding a door open for you. Or getting top marks in an exam. It could be bigger worldwide things like seeing huge acts of kindness or the work of amazing charities or the NHS. Even discovering someone who inspires you. However big or small, write these down and focus on them for a few minutes.

Acts of kindness

A big part of mindfulness and staying in the present moment is becoming more aware of the place you hold in the world. This means increasing your own self-awareness and realising the impact you have on others. A great way to become more aware of this is by performing random acts of kindness. This could be a thoughtful gesture like sending a supportive message to someone you know is struggling. Or helping a stranger with their shopping bags. It could even be something wider like holding a fundraiser to support an important cause. Whatever you choose to do, watch for the ripple effect after. See how that positivity and kindness spreads beyond your action. Being in the moment means you pay attention to the world around you and recognise when there are opportunities for kindness.

Put your phone away

Mobile phones have brought a new level of connection into our lives. But as someone who was actually around before they existed. I can also say that they have brought endless, unhealthy distraction into every waking moment. Their presence in our lives can cause various problems including interrupting our sleep, which is one of many factors that can lead to anxiety and stress. If you want to reduce these problems and live a more mindful life, it’s easy – put your phone away!

Why not try having phone-free mornings and evenings for the first and last-hour of the day? It will give you a chance to start the day peacefully without letting the rest of the world in. And it will give you a chance to wind down for the night without exposure to blue light which can affect your sleep.

girl in poppy field, norfolk, customised denim jacket with elephant, poppy field, meditation and mindfulness

Start practicing yoga

Let me stress that yoga is not compulsory for living a mindful life. It is perfectly possible to practice mindfulness daily without ever setting foot in a yoga studio. I know yoga isn’t for everyone, but it has been documented as having a huge impact on the mental health and mindset of a lot of people. Myself included – a few years ago I had never even tried yoga and now I can’t go more than a few days without it. Yoga is all about concentrating on the breath and the present moment. It’s all about stretching the body and opening it up to the world around you, while focusing inward.

There are lots of different types of yoga. From slower and more relaxing styles that lead nicely into meditation, to more powerful practices. The best way to really see if you like yoga is to attend a class. I also am a strong believer that having a great yoga teacher is a huge part of finding a flow that works for you. So if you don’t find you gel with it immediately, don’t be afraid to try a different class and see if you prefer it. If you hate the idea of a class – why not try Yoga with Adrian or Sjana Elise Youtube channels for yoga videos you can follow along with.

Savour the food you eat

When was the last time you ate something and really savoured the flavours? Can you think of a time when you were really present in the moment and tasted how fresh the dish was? When you lost yourself in the rich and decadent desserts, a fresh, zesty fruit, or a creamy and aromatic dish. The truth is, it was probably a while ago. It’s so easy, when life is so busy, to forget to take the time to just eat and enjoy. Instead we’re constantly multitasking. Eating while replying to emails, wolfing down a sandwich between meetings or throwing together dinner after a busy day.

Sometimes it’s necessary, but we need to remember to not live like this all the time. After all – food is one of life’s greatest pleasures. If you ask me – the Italian and Spanish cultures have a great attitude towards food. It’s a celebration of the senses and a time for socialising. A time when they slow things down and draw things out as long as possible. Try turning the TV off when you eat, why not dine outside on a summer evening? Focus on your food and eat slowly, enjoying each bite.

Focus on your senses

If you’re feeling like your thoughts are always drifting and you’re constantly lapsing into the past or future. Try reminding yourself at different points throughout the day to focus on your senses. It only takes a few seconds, but can be a great reminder to stay focused on the present. Think about what you can smell, hear, taste, touch and see. If you’re feeling stressed or worried, it can be a great way to centre yourself and to focus on the moment.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with life’s problems – just stop and ask yourself. Is there anything wrong in this exact moment? It can be just the reminder you need that actually all of life’s problems exist in overthinking the past, or worrying about the future. This new perspective can really help you to gain perspective and to tackle one problem at a time.

girl in poppy field, norfolk, customised denim jacket with elephant, poppy field, meditation and mindfulness

Change your routine or travel

One of the things that made me so focused on living a mindful life was travel. I could see how when I was travelling – I was truly living in the moment and appreciating every second. I was grateful for those around me, the food I was eating and mindfulness came naturally to me. Even if you don’t travel long-term – we’ll all have been on those holidays where you’re fully in the moment. You’re not thinking about anything back at home. Experiencing life in this way for extended periods of time made me all the more determined to try and keep living this way even if I returned home. I saw how much happier and more content I was when I kept this mindset.

If travel isn’t an option for you, or you want a way to maintain staying present even when at home. Why not try mixing up your routine? This is essentially what keeps us present when we travel – it’s the constant newness of the world around us. When we slip into the same old routine, we drift through life so easily that we forget to pay attention to our surroundings. This is why they say “if you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it’s lethal!”. Try applying this to your own life – take a different route to work each day, tale a walk somewhere new, visit a place you’ve never been before. Throw yourself outside of your comfort zone and watch how present you become.

Prioritise self-care more often

Actually, everything on this list is a form of self-care and all are equally important. But another great way to be present with yourself is to take care of yourself. Things like making sure you are sleeping enough, eating healthily and drinking enough water. Self-care means different things to different people – for some it might mean spending time alone with candles and bubble baths. For others it might mean going to bed earlier, or waking up for the sunrise. Or it might mean saying no to nights out or situations that make you feel uncomfortable.

By prioritising self-care, you are focusing on yourself in the present moment and what your needs are. Try listening to your body’s needs more. You could either set aside a small amount of time each day to focus on you. Or if this is tricky around family/work life, why not set aside one evening a week that is just about you?

Lose yourself in your passions

You know that feeling when you completely lose yourself in your work, or a hobby? When you suddenly realise you’ve been working away for hours on a project without eating, drinking or stopping for a break. It’s a great example of when you are truly present in the moment. This is why it’s so important that even if you don’t have a job you’re really passionate about, that you make time for passions. It could be writing, knitting, volunteering, gardening, photography or building things. Whatever it is – we all need something we can lose ourselves in and be completely present.

girl in poppy field, norfolk, customised denim jacket with elephant, poppy field, meditation and mindfulness

How to change your habits long-term

If you really want to change your life – and this applies to anything whether it is mindfulness, a healthier diet or exercise. You need to maintain the changes for a length of time until they become a natural part of your routine. Breaking the old habits and replacing them with new ones is the hardest part. Once you’ve done this, it becomes easy to maintain the new lifestyle. Here are my top 5 ways to make sure you stick to your new routine:

But, what if you fail?

The important thing to remember is that there is no failure when it comes to mindfulness and meditation. Each are individual practices that are unique to you. Only you can make you do them and only you will feel the results. This is why it can be hard to maintain them sometimes and when we get busy, they are often the first things to slip. But always remember that what you prioritise in your life will have a big effect on your mental health and wellbeing. So if you always prioritise work, you may feel exhausted and unhealthy because your diet and sleep suffer. Life is all about finding a balance that works for you.

So stop looking at others and feeling like what you’re doing (or not doing) is not enough. Some people might need to practice yoga seven days a week to feel good. You might just need to do it once to feel great. Others might keep a gratitude journal that makes them feel centred and in control, while you might find it totally cringe. Everyone finds their own way with mindfulness and there is no right or wrong answer. So just experiment with it – this post is just full of ideas that you can try. Why not try implementing one or two of them daily to begin with and see whether it makes you feel better.

Do you practice mindfulness or meditation daily? What are your favourite mindfulness techniques? What makes you feel better and more in control?

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Image by Andrew Smith

Image by Andrew Smith

I write this with incredibly sore arms after starting a course of jabs ahead of next year’s travels, and I felt it was about time for another post about my plans. This one is about a question I’ve been asked a lot since making my decision and starting to plan my getaway for next year. It’s strange, because it doesn’t seem a big deal to me – just a natural choice, but it is a pretty huge decision to pack your life up, move to the other side of the world, give up your job and take a chance. It’s not something that comes easy to all of us, and for me, this decision was a long time coming. So, for those who are having those niggling thoughts, who catch themselves daydreaming about the life they wish they had, this post is all about how I made one of the biggest decisions of my life.

It happened over Christmas 2013. For the first time since finishing university, I had a full two weeks off work for Christmas and after just a week, I knew I didn’t want to go back. I’d had these thoughts in the back of my mind for a long time that my job was no longer what I wanted it to be, and it was just a case of working out if I wanted to move to a big city like London and start afresh, or whether to follow my dreams of travelling the world. This was more a daydreaming stage and I never thought I would actually make my travelling dreams a reality. I’d been stuck in a sort of limbo for the past few months, the previous summer had been amazing and I’d been so busy having fun that my job had become just that, a job. But when the summer drew to a close, I realised without all those fun distractions, I was a bit bored and wanted to escape.

Image by Dennis Skley

Image by Dennis Skley

I don’t want to sound ungrateful, I love my job and it has given me huge opportunities and a great basis for a career, but it had become stale for me after three years of working in the same office and I was ready for a change. I plodded on, not really thinking about it as other distractions popped up, but that voice in the back of my head grew louder and louder. My relationship was going through a bit of a rough patch and so I threw myself into a family Christmas and loved every second. But early January, something happened. Something that I’m still not really ready to talk about, but it suddenly threw everything into place for me. Something snapped inside of me and I realised that there was nothing holding me to my town, that actually, at that point, there was more driving me away than pinning me down. You’ve all had those moments when life gets a bit much and you have to get away? Well I couldn’t escape it all, so I started to plan and I made a decision. I decided to travel.

You might worry I was running away, but actually my problems at the time were just a catalyst for something much bigger that was already in motion. This was the answer to my melancholy, to my feelings of being trapped inside my own body. I told a few people, close friends and family about my decision, but I’m not sure they really took me seriously, they just thought I had an idea but wouldn’t actually end up going. Of course there are many who make the plans and never end up going, many who talk about it but never find the courage to up sticks and travel. But I was determined. So what did I do?

Image by Daniel Panev

Image by Daniel Panev

It was as easy as that, once I snapped everything just started to slot into place and suddenly it all made sense. I felt so free to have made the choice and to have a plan, a goal to work towards and that has seen me through the last nine months where I have been saving and working. I had several commitments that meant I couldn’t leave any earlier in the year, which was hard for me for a while as circumstances had me wanting to up and leave straight away. But I’m glad I waited as I wouldn’t have been in the right mindset to really enjoy my travels at that point. Plus the time I’ve had has given me the chance to save at a realistic rate, and to enjoy spending time with all my loved ones before leaving, which makes me feel less guilty in case I decide to stay longer.



For me it was slightly easier as I was living with my parents, which meant I had no ties to a mortgage or home, plus I was working in a job that I had already milked clean of all experiences and potential.

I totally understand for others it might be more complicated, but I genuinely believe that making the initial decision to jump is the hardest part and after that it all starts to fall into place.


What sparked your decision to give up life as you knew it and travel? Did you have a similar experience to me?

Ab Lucy sign off


My family and I on holiday in Mauritius, where my parents married

I was nominated by the lovely Lauren Blenkinsop of Tea and Post, a travel and lifestyle blog, to blog about the five cities I would most like to return to as part of Booked.net – Top Destinations To Go There. As someone whose whole life seems to be dedicated to making travel plans and saving hard for a number of adventures I have planned for next year, this is a great chance for me to reminisce over some previously amazing holidays and trips I have had with family and friends. I’ve been lucky enough to go on a number of amazing holidays and to travel a lot in my life, unfortunately I also have a pretty adventurous heart that tends to fall in love with most places I visit which means I always want to go back for more. Like Lauren, I never feel like I get enough time to really explore a place and always leave wanting more…

Port Louis, Mauritius

On my dad’s side, my family come from Mauritius, and sadly because of the cost and the time needed for a holiday there, I have only been able to visit twice in my life. I love the country, its smells, colour, music and culture. I loved visiting the markets, walking the streets and visiting the temples in Port Louis, where my father was born, and where my family still live. To me, the country is summed up in a hot afternoon spent in my grandmother’s yard eating mangoes picked fresh by my uncle from the overhanging trees, while my aunt and grandmother are cooking up a goat curry ready for when the whole family comes round that night for lots of chat and music.

Brussels, Belgium


Image by Matthias Ripp

For my 18th birthday, my mum and I celebrated with a weekend away in Brussels together. We wanted to do something special and this was a great excuse to get away, spend some time together before I went off to university, and to eat lots of amazing food! The city is stunning, packed full of culture and amazing architecture. We spent the days walking endlessly around the city, shopping, and dining in gorgeous little restaurants run by families and full of delicious food. Such a multicultural city, we could eat French food for breakfast, Greek for lunch and Italian for dinner – it was fabulous. And don’t get me started on the chocolate…

Valletta, Malta


A stunning city I visited while holidaying with the boyfriend in Mellieha a couple of summers ago. This city has such a long, rich history and we loved taking a trip to really experience a place that time seems to have forgotten. The buildings are stunning and I could look at them all day, in fact I did. I walked so much I felt like my feet would cave in, up and down the wonky streets, so full of character and old time magic. The churches and cathedral were beyond beautiful and you felt such a sense of peace walking through their silent rooms. I loved our day visit there but wished we had more time to explore at a slower pace, it would have been nice to spend more time exploring the culture.

New York, USA

little italyOf course, New York has to be in there, I love the city so much and despite having been about four times now, I still feel like I have so much more to discover. There is something about New York that has captured my heart and I just feel addicted to the atmosphere, the excitement and the possibilities that come with a trip to the big city. I will never get bored of the city and will always happily go back, but I plan to wait a while until my next visit – perhaps a visit to some other US cities is in order – San Francisco anyone?

Rome, Italy

Image by RaSeLaSeD - Il Pinguino

Image by RaSeLaSeD – Il Pinguino

Rome HAS to be on my list. I was lucky enough to go on a school trip to Italy, we travelled to Rome and did all the sights, then on to Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast. It was stunning, such a beautiful country, but I feel I was too young to really appreciate the incredible historical landmarks, the amazing food and the people. Plus being on a school trip meant what we had time to see was limited and filtered through schoolteachers. I actually heard of a job opportunity in Rome, working as a nanny for the children of the head of police, but sadly couldn’t go for it as I had already decided to go travelling at that point and was saving. Rome is a city I would truly love to live and work in so I could really experience and throw myself into it.

My nominations:

1. Adventurous Kate

2. The Travel Hack

3. Tatty Travels

4. VickyFlipFlop Travels

5. The World Wanderer

Where would you most like to return to on your travels? Which city holds some serious magic for you?

Ab Lucy sign off

Booked.net – Top Destinations to Go There

Ireland 3As you read this, I’m packing and getting ready to go to the airport for a wedding in Ireland with the boyfriend’s family. I’m so unbelievably excited about this wedding, there has been one every autumn for the last few years, but this is the last one for a while and it’s a very special one. This wedding is taking us to a tiny island in the centre of Waterford, where the wedding will take place in a castle! I visited the castle last September and it was just beautiful, like something out of a fairytale, and covered in trailing red flowers. Looking at it, I half expected Rapunzel to lean out of the turrets and pour down her golden hair. We’re actually staying on the island in lodges as well so we won’t have far to stumble back to bed after the wedding, but in true Irish style, the celebrations will continue for three days of partying, drinking, eating and being very merry. So, this post is all about celebrating the 10 things I love the most about Ireland, and what has kept me going back every autumn for the last few years.Ireland 1


Everyone I have met in Ireland has been friendly, welcoming and has gone out of their way to make you feel at home. I wouldn’t want to generalise but if you walk down the street in England, you will be met with more frowns and grumpy faces than you can cope with, but in Ireland, everyone has always been happy to see me and chat. Everyone I have ever met on my visits has been warm and kind, plus quick to help if you are lots of need a recommendation. Plus, THAT accent gets me every time.


Ireland is a beautiful country with everything to offer, inland there are rolling hills and lush green fields full of cows and sheep. On the coast there are stunning beaches, cute seaside towns and choppy waves. So many towns look like time forgot them and they still hold that quaint appeal in the tiny churches and hole-in-the-wall pubs with warm fires and great music.Ireland 4THE FOOD

You guys know by now, I love my food and anywhere that can promise me a good meal is going high up in my estimations. Well Ireland certainly delivers, and particularly at last year’s wedding where we had some amazing freshly caught seafood in the coastal town where we were staying, and had the gorgeous prime Irish beef as the main wedding meal. Yum. Looking forward to seeing what food we’ll get this time!


Every single time we go to an Irish wedding it is a pretty legendary night – the last one saw us partying with the bride to an epic soundtrack she had picked herself and downing beers until the sun came up – the bride and groom actually carried on and yet still beat us to breakfast! Another one we went to was pretty manic and ended up with me locked out of the hotel room and having to bunk in with some cousins! These events always involve a lot of booze, dancing and fun so I’m sure I’ll have some tales to tell after this one!Ireland 5 THE FAMILY

I really love getting to spend time with the boyfriend’s extended family – my family, although big, are spread across the globe and we don’t often see each other. When we do, we are not particularly close, so it is lovely to spend time with a family who make such an effort to get together and to celebrate even the tiniest occasions. It is a lovely thing to be a part of and they do make me a big part of it. At this wedding, a member of the family will be travelling from South Africa to ordain the ceremony, and there are lots of others travelling from America.


As you guys know, I’ve been working constantly for a long time now and have been saving hard for backpacking in a few months, I haven’t really had a proper break because all my holiday time has been spent at festivals which are just as crazy! So this will be a nice relaxing break as well, a chance to regroup and get away from work for a bit. I have long needed a break – that’s for sure! Ireland is the perfect place for a break because although you feel a million miles away from home, it is super convenient to get to.Ireland 2THE ACTIVITIES

Every time I’ve visited Ireland, we’ve had no end of fun things to do, see and try. Previously we’ve had big family meals, gone walking around the coast, watched family take part in a 10k run, taken the kids to the funfair, visited a monastery and family graves, and even gone to the races! This time, there is a big golfing game to join in and, obviously the wedding, but we also have a huge family do the day after at a well-known pub, which will give us lots of time to spend together. There’s so much to do!

Have you been to Ireland? What did you think of the country and what has made it a special place for you?

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