The Solo Female Travel Handbook


Absolutely Lucy's launches her latest eBook – The Solo Female Travel Handbook. Advice from an expert who has been solo travelling the globe for over 6 years. Tackling topics including loneliness when travelling solo, building confidence as a solo female traveller and most importantly – how to feel safe when travelling solo as a woman. This amazing resource answers all your questions such as – which countries are safe for women to travel solo? How can I avoid getting ripped off when travelling solo? How do I make friends as a solo traveller? And many more. Real, raw, honest advice from a solo female traveller who has seen it all.


Adventure travel blogger Absolutely Lucy launches her latest eBook – The Solo Female Travel Handbook. Real, raw, honest advice from a woman who has been solo travelling the globe for 6+ years. If you've ever dreamt of becoming a fearless woman who travels – this Solo Female Travel Handbook is the best friend you never knew you needed.

After years of hearing the media report on why the world isn't safe for solo female travellers. I've taken a step against the patriarchy. Creating The Solo Female Travel Handbook is all about empowering women. It's about giving them the tools to feel safe and confident when travelling solo. Aimed at first-time or wannabe solo female travellers – this book contains every scrap of advice that I've learned the hard way. Sharing authentic travel experiences, fears and worries from real women, while providing expert advice for avoiding or coping with sticky situations.

This eBook gives you the tools to avoid things going wrong or at least be prepared if they do. Jam-packed full of inspirational quotes and amazing photography. Plus practical advice you can apply to everyday life to feel safe and confident when you travel. I've taken 60 pages of information and compressed it into this handy 50-page guide to make it easy and fast reading, and great to refer back to at every stage of your solo travels. Think of it as the best friend you never knew you needed, and the one that will be with you every step of your journey.

This new eBook includes 8 amazing chapters that cover everything you need to know to plan your solo adventure. Plus a bonus chapter which tackles the big question: Will I regret taking time out to travel?

What’s inside?

  • Which countries are safe for women? – no scaremongering!
  • How to feel safe as a woman travelling solo – practical tips, what to pack & what to avoid
  • Top tips for building solo travel confidence – how to prepare for your first trip
  • How to cope with every solo travel situation – answering your most common worries
  • Making friends & coping with loneliness – small changes you can make today!
  • How to avoid getting ripped off – prepping you for the times you feel most vulnerable
  • Organisation & coping when things go wrong – how to avoid calamity, and what to do if it strikes
  • Solo female travel photography tips + I reveal my next project!

Don't let anything stand in the way of your adventures. If I had listened to the advice and horror stories I was told before I went travelling – I never would have got on that plane. But I also wouldn't have built an entire life around solo female travel – and you wouldn't be reading this book! Take it from a success story – if I can survive travelling solo, so can you. Meeting travelling women is one of the things that inspires me the most because these women often don't even realise the depth of their bravery for stepping outside of the norms.

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